Friday, July 20, 2007

My 2 Cents Too

Cee Kay ( -- I can't figure out how to do the link thing on my mac) just did a wonderful post on people she admires and those she judges, and I agree with her so completely, it's hard to come up with some original points. But she wants me to give it a shot, so here's my 2 cents, folks -- first, the judgmental moi:

1. I tend to laugh at strangers who ask me what cars I own, how much a piece of jewellery is worth, how much income my husband brings in as measures of whether it's worth their while to further the acquaintance or not.

2. I look down on those who look down on those who are socially or economically inferior to them. I was taught at an early age to show a basic respect for all, and I look upon social snobs as appallingly ill-mannered and without class.

3. I dislike parents who hit their kids. I am not talking about an occasional tap on the butt for exceptionally bad behavior, but hard slaps that make kids cower. To me, it counts as domestic violence.

4. I judge others who pass judgments on people based on their race, nationality and sexual orientation. I am especially harsh on U.S. resident-Indians who do this, and then complain of racism when their bosses pass them over for a promotion.

5. I cannot stand those with a martyr complex. I grew up with one such person in my house, and am strongly of the opinion that you should make only those "sacrifices" which you can refrain from announcing to all and sundry who will listen and using them as leverage for sympathy.

6. I have a problem with those who publicly criticize their spouse and humiliate them. You have a problem with him/her, talk to them about it, not to the world.

7. I intensely dislike people who have no respect for privacy. It makes me see red.

Now, the admirable folks on my list:

1. I admire those who are content. It takes a special mindset to achieve peace of mind, one that requires a lot of effort.

2. I admire people who are aware of their duty toward those who are dependent on them -- and do it, even when it's often thankless.

3. I admire those who are focused and passionate about their life's work -- not for aggrandizing themselves, but for the pure joy and satisfaction it gives them.

4. I admire people who deal with frustration and stress in their life without constantly bitching to others. Life ain't a bed of roses for nobody.

5. I admire parents of developmentally challenged kids. I can't even begin to fathom their daily worries, frustrations, exhaustion...

6. I admire good writers.

7. I admire go-getters, but not those who go get by trampling all over someone else. I admire a strong character and conscience.

Well, that was easier than I thought!


Cee Kay said...

Hey, good lists! I would have stolen a few poin ts from you if you'd done it before me! I totally agree with points 4, 5 and 7 on your judgment list. And points 1, 2 and 5 on the admiration list. And number 5 reminds me that I also admire single parents who try hard to give their kids a good life - not just financially, but emotionally as well.

Terri the terrific said...

Gulp! #6 judgment - you talkin' to me?

Anonymous said...


don't you think it is balanced by item #1 on the admiration list? now, if the order of your posts were reversed, my opinion would've certainly been different. ;-)

- s.b.

A Muser said...

GTN (Cee Kay), Good point!
Terri: No worries! Ref to you on #6 in the admiration list :)

Anonymous said...

I am totally with you on point 4 on the judgement list.

A Muser said...

Thank you for your agreement, Anonymous! Next time, feel free to divulge your name.