Monday, August 27, 2007

Sex Tag

Hey, if that headline doesn't make you read this post, nothing will! Have been tagged willy-nilly by Mad Momma (themadmomma/blogspot/com -- can some tech-savvy person puh-leeze tell me how to do the link-thing on a mac?? My posts are littered with URLs *grumble, grumble*). Tag's about how do I have rocking sex -- ok, any sex at all, any way, any kind -- apres-babies. Cool! Sundry tagged bloggers are worried about parents reading this post; moi, I merely have to face the wrath of my very very embarrassed husband. So that makes it OK, of course. ;P

P and I get it on usually on weekend afternoons. Sunny and soporofic weekend afternoons, with the 3-year-old tucked in bed for an afternoon nap. If it's summer, ummmm, the overhead fan's whirring slowly. I don't know what it is about that fan. It makes me feel all sleepy and sexy. So we start off cuddling, thinking we're going to take a nap ourselves. Yeah, right. At some point, we have to get up and lock the bedroom door. After the deed is done, we take that nap we'd been originally planning. Mmmm... nothing like post-making-love naps!

Dunno what we're going to do once Raina stops taking afternoon naps -- we'll probably bribe her. And after Baby 2 emerges in October, in the august company of the in-laws, afternoon sex just may take a backseat. But then, there's always the backseat. Dang, you think that's too much info?

P.S.: Am tagging Terri's mom (, Rads ( and s.b.!


Anonymous said...

Damn....this is quite hilarious (not that arousing, but certainly damn funny!!!).

I cannot stop laughing.......

crazymumma said...

Put a lock on the door and a short video on the TV (for her) and do 'it' a tad faster.....

anja said...

have a mac too, had same problem. Safari doesn't have the icon for the link thing in the posting page. Either download Mozilla Firefox or open your blogger account on a PC it is so easy, you'll be annoyed!

the mad momma said...

LOL! I love how evil I am... and hey.. nothing is ever too much info and this is all for a good cause :p ask sue how to put a link on the Mac. Her husband has a mac.

Thinking Cramps said...

heh heh...very sporting of you to take up the tag, i must say!

i am sure you will find a way even after baby # 2 :)

Sue said...

If you're taking the trouble to paste urls, I suggest you add the html tag. Not sure if you already know how to, but in case you don't, you add < a href=http://fulllink > before the words you want to add a link to, and after them, add < /a >.

Blogger was making the tag into a link, so I added space inside each bracket, but those must not be used in an actual tag.

I use a Mac myself and I think your best bet is a Mac+Firefox. Better than Safari. Free download too.

A Muser said...

D.S.: Glad you were amused. That sense of humor's going to come handy when you try to make love after your own bacche log come along. :)))
Crazymumma: Bribe with TV! Yeah!
Anja and Sue: Thanks so much! I will check out this Firefox whatchamacallit. In the meantime, I'll do the html coding -- special thanks to Sue!
Mad Momma: Have to still check out your blog for details... hope you haven't chickened out!
Anamika: Hehehe, to tell you the truth, the only reason I wouldn't take up this particular tag is if I had no sex life to speak of! I'd be so ashamed and embarrassed!

rads said...

A muser - Backseat is goood ;-)

A Muser said...

Rads, I have a good mind to tag you and Terri on this. Couldja please contribute for the benefit of mankind? S.B., if you read this, feel free to join in too!

Terri the terrific said...

muser, whatever gave you the impression that I'm even qualified to do this tag?!! (Please refer to your response to Anamika and apply it to me :))

rads said...

Terri - It applies to me too, but then it's no secret, so just as well poke fun at it ;-)

Mystic Margarita said...

LOL! Very funny and cool at the same time! :)

A Muser said...

Terri: This is a good opportunity to take a stab at fiction-writing. :))) Go on, you know you can do it.
Rads: You go, girl! Am waiting for your post.
Mystic: I believe you were tagged by Mad Momma too? Spill asap!

Mystic Margarita said...

Anything you oblige you, Muser! :)Stop by at my blog when you can.

Anonymous said...

a muser:

sorry, but i take the fifth! one thing is for sure - kids are better than any form of ru-4whatever (this might not make sense for non-usa folks)! :-)

- s.b.

Terri the terrific said...

s.b., that didn't make sense to ALL USA folks. Kindly revert (don't know what this means, but all e-mails from Indian co-workers have this line as a form of signature).

A Muser said...

Heheheh, Terri, I believe s.b.'s referring to the morning-after pill or some such contraceptive. s.b., you're being shy, admit it! Tsk, tsk. I wonder if any desi guy took up this tag?

Anonymous said...

a muser:

thanks for coming to my rescue.


hmmm ...

ahaa "revert" ... another of those 'desi words' that i have been trying to compile for d.s.


you can add this to that list of desi usage words. ever heard "revert" being used by any non-desi in the same context that desis do? :-)

- s.b.