Tuesday, November 13, 2007

1 Sick Child + 1 Newborn = 0 Blogging Time

Raina's been down with an ear infection and a bad cough and cold since Diwali. Hope everyone else had a sickness-free festival!


Choxbox said...

uh-oh. hang on in there.

btw n3 had also caught a cold the week that n4 was born - i remember sitting with the two of them for endless hours and thanking god my mom was over :)

A Muser said...

Exactly, Choxbox. I have my mother-in-law to hand the baby over to. Thank goodness!

the mad momma said...

oh my..not fun at all.. but a beautiful pic anyway...

Unknown said...

Beautiful pic . I hope Raina's better now?

A Muser said...

MM, Thanks. It's pretty special to see them both together.
EL, she is, thanks for asking! She even went to preschool yesterday, and mommy got a breather.