This is the second day Raina said "stroller" instead of "tua." I had grown rather fond of "tua" and saw it go with regret. At almost 2, my baby is growing into a little girl. And her language definitely reflects that.
Yesterday, we watched a Labrador retrieve tennis balls from the lake by our home. I don't know whose jaw was dropping more, who was exclaiming more excitedly, Raina or I. But my little girl is way more verbose than I, that's for sure. The sentences were stumbling out one after the other, tripping over each other. "Ooooh, mama, look at that! The doggie's in the water, the doggie's swimming, the doggie has a ball in its mouth, he has a green ball, where did the doggie go, oh where, oh where can the doggie be? (The last sentence said in a sing-song fashion.) Oh, there she is! (Pronouns obviously all over the place.) Doggie's coming here, he's coming to Raina, doggie's wet, doggie's dirty. Look at that! Doggie's swimming like the duckies! Raina likes to swim too." And so on and so forth.
I guess it's just a matter of time before "doggie" become "dog" and "duckies" become "ducks" and sentences don't break for song. And soon all days will be like yesterday, when "Raina's pushing a tua" became "Raina's pushing a stroller."
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