Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Playing Favorites

I've been fuming since yesterday and I know if I don't blog about what's bothering me, I will eventually start tearing my hair out. As I have just a few strands anyway (my hair's what is euphemistically called "fine"), they need protection. So here goes:

Yesterday, I was on the phone with my mom and the conversation went thusly --

Mom: "I got the picture that you sent of Raina and Rohan."
Me: "Finally! And?"
Mom (unenthusiastically) "It was nice. But" -- and here we have some enthusiasm -- "he's not as cute as our Raina. He doesn't give poses like she does, I am sorry. He looks like a gudda (doll in Hindi)."
Me (shocked and confused): "But why are you sorry? A gudda? That's a good thing, isn't it?"
Mom: "He has no expression on his face. Not like humaari Raina (our Raina)."
What? What?
Me: "Mom, how can you compare the two? Why can't you look at him just as a baby, not in comparison with Raina? Of course he's not like Raina -- he's Rohan!"
Mom: "Yes, yes. I am sorry, but..."

But what??? I just don't get this. First, the insensitivity of my own mother. The same mother who's always dramatically maintained how she NEVER MADE ANY DISTINCTION BETWEEN HER DAUGHTER AND HER SON. Even though, said son, besides being a precious male, was way cuter as a baby. How do you tell your daughter that one of her children isn't cute enough? A child who's not even three months old. Even if you're comparing that child to another of her children?
Second, why compare at all? I never got this comparison crap, and have always taken care not to compare Raina to other kids her age. Is it because my mom's heart isn't big enough to love two little kids equally?
I know favoritism exists. I've seen my mother blatantly favor Raina over my brother's little boy and I used to think it's because of the strained relationship that she has with her daughter-in-law. But now I know that's not the case. My mom -- and likely, my dad -- have just got it in their heads that they're fond only of little girls. They just don't like boys. It's senseless, especially when you think how rarely they get to see their son's only child. And they haven't even seen my little boy -- and have pronounced judgment.

I think part of the reaction also stems from jealousy. My mom was with me when Raina was born -- and stayed until she was 4 months old. This time, my in-laws are here -- and my mom, seeing all the pictures of Raina and Rohan with their Dadiji and Dadaji, has been bitten by the green-eyed monster.

Whatever the reasons, her comments really hurt my feelings. Here I was eagerly looking forward to telling her how Rohan laughed two days ago for the very first time! How he looked so cute right after his bath with his blue towel wrapped around him, all clean and warm and happy. How he smiles right in the middle of a feeding as if he's having a blast. And I'd wanted to share with her how gassy he'd been lately. How he hadn't been sleeping all day. How tired I was and how tiresome he sometimes seemed.

At least my mom's comments cured my frustration with Rohan. But I saw myself looking at him differently, hating it, but doing it anyway. Maybe, objectively speaking, he isn't as cute as Raina was as a baby. If that's true, to hell with objectivity.


the mad momma said...

good Lord. Do our mothers consult each other and speak to us? My mom said the same thing abt a new born Bean. She has no expressions, not like our expressive little Brat, she has a dumb look on her face.. I'm like WTF - she's a newborn.what sign of intelligence do u want from her?

Oh God AM - so glad you wrote this...

dipali said...

Whew! What fantastic insensitivity.
If its some consolation, you know you're not alone ( ref. Mad Momma's post).
I think Rohan is a darling. Please post more photos:)

Cee Kay said...

Awwww! I would be indignant too! My mom sometimes did the reverse - showered too much attention on the baby and forgot the older one. But I just gently reminded her once or twice and she remembered from then on. But yes - how do you get over the hurt if it was YOUR OWN mother? That is why I sometimes feel bad for J when his parents have been doing crazy stuff.

Oh, and YAY!! for the first smile :D I miss that stage already with baby M!

A Muser said...

MM: Precisely! In the photo she's referring to, Rohan was barely a month old. What's with our moms?
Dipali: Thanks! Was stunned when I saw MM's post -- guess it's pretty common. But why, why?
GTN: The cliche that the ones you love can hurt you the most is true.

AMODINI said...

I get something similar from the in-laws; they don't say anything, but their attitude towards my son is preferential, he being the Supreme One - a male. It's annoying but would hurt a lot more if it came from my Mom instead of my Mom-in-law.

Anonymous said...

no no, I just saw a picture of rohan and he is a handsome young man!

don't let anyone make u believe otherwise!

A Muser said...

Amodini: Mom's doing a 180 degrees now and saying he looks so cute when he smiles. Maybe the message finally hit home. I hope.
Chandni: Thanks! Nope, no one can make me believe otherwise...