Sunday, February 10, 2008

What Did You Do?

Rather unimaginative title, I know, but I am at my wits' end. So calling all you mommies out there... what did you do when your 3-month-old (or 6-month-old or 9-month-old) refused to take naps?

For the past week, Rohan seems to have decided that he's done with naps. He will NOT sleep. And if he does deign to fall asleep while nursing, he's going to wake up when I put him down on the bassinet. AND if he does not wake up then, he will wake up five minutes later. Or ten. But wake up he will. And start screaming like his mama's putting pins on him.

So I burp him. Or try to get him to pass gas. Or rock him. Or put him in the bouncer. Or talk to him. Or play with him. Few minutes of this, and the bawling starts all over again.

So I change his diaper. Coo. Take him for a walk in the stroller. Or the baby sling. Sing to him. Hum. Whatever, to get the job done. But it's no use.

It's gotten to the point that I've begun to doubt everything -- whether he's getting enough milk, whether I ate something that didn't agree with him, should I give him some formula, what? What is it I am doing wrong? And what should I do to fix it?

I went through something similar with Raina but it was when she was much older, and those were nightmare months of rocking and rocking and singing. And if she woke up, starting all over. Eventually, I just would let her cry herself to sleep. Because I knew she was tired and knew she needed to nap.

The good thing about this problem with Rohan is, come dusk, and he just drops off. He's gone for the night, or most of it anyway. But I am worried that if he continues to not nap during the day, it's eventually going to affect his night sleep.

So I turn to you, blogging mommies. WWYD?


crazymumma said...

We walked and walked and walked and walked.

crazymumma said...

oh...and good luck, it can be so exhausting.

Unknown said...

We walked and cooed and sang and clowned and counted mice and god knows what till we fell asleep exhausted and the baby stared and howled by turns.
Unless his sleep pattern changes and he's awake in the evenings he's not gonna sleep in the morning. Not that you dont know it :P but from my standpoint I cant resist giving some gyan.
When theyre all gown up you'll look back on this time as the most peaceful of your parenting period!

A Muser said...

Crazymumma, we are walking :( Have to come up with a new solution before I drop from exhaustion.
EL, you've got to be kidding right? "the most peaceful of your parenting period"??? you fill me with misgiving :)

AMODINI said...

We walked a lot too - exhausting. Also some swing time (mechanical swing). Something which I did little of, but could be more restful is driving the baby around, like in the neighborhood. The baby's all safe and strapped in, you in a comfy seat, with some good music, no ? Also they tend to fall asleep in the car :-)

Choxbox said...

how do i send you a ghodiyu?

A Muser said...

Amodini and Choxbox, he hates the swing, and I have a feeling he may not be fond of a ghodiyu because of the same swinging motion. He did fall asleep in the car today, though, but woke up as soon as we came home and stopped the car. :(

Unknown said...

I stand by it sweetie -look back with longing -Seriously though ,what about soft music played low around him ?

A Muser said...

Thanks, EL, and all you good folks out there for so many excellent suggestions. Presently, we've moved Rohan to his own room and darkened the window with two thick bedsheets. We're thinking the bright light in our bedroom may be over-stimulating him. Keep your fingers crossed, please.

Unknown said...

HOw's the sleep trap working ?

A Muser said...

I'll jinx it if I say anything positive, EL! :))

the mad momma said...

it worked? wow. the bean still hates sleeping at day as well as night. i've started putting her in this noisy room with bright sunlight. it works better than the quiet room because the slightest sound wakes her there. in the noisy room i let her sleep with the radio on full blast. at least nothing startles her awake!